Author: webcsi

Description of controversies

Ce cours a pour objet, dès leur arrivée à l’École, d’introduire les élèves à l’univers incertain de la recherche scientifique et technique. Le but est d’apprendre à cartographier des sujets qui sont à la fois l’objet d’une expertise technique poussée et qui sont en même temps devenus des affaires, souvent embrouillées, où se mêlent des questions juridiques, morales, économiques et sociales.

Société, Histoire, Culture

Ce cours vise à donner aux élèves des éléments de réflexion et d’histoire sur la société française et une connaissance de base de méthodes et de travaux classiques en sciences sociales.

The Chibanis of the SNCF: an exemplary mobilization

Vincent-Arnaud Chappe et Narguesse Keyhani

Wednesday, January 31, 12:30 pm: we queue in front of the Palais de Justice (Law Courts) on the Ile de la Cité, in Paris, hoping to hear the deliberation of the hearing held, eight months ago on appeal, in the lawsuit opposing 848 railway workers, most of them of Moroccan origin, to the SNCF (French National Railway Company). They are waiting for the confirmation of the verdict of the labor courts which, two years before, recognized, the discrimination exercised by the railway company on the grounds of their nationality and origin. Like dozens of railway workers, we have not managed to enter the Palais de […]

Rethinking political with STS lens

Colloquium celebrating the 50th anniversary of the CSI
30 November – 1st December, 2017

The Center for the Sociology of Innovation is 50 years old!

In celebration of its 50th anniversary, the CSI organized a two-day colloquium on November 30th and December 1st. Since its foundation in 1967, the CSI has played a major role in the development of the field of Science and Technology Studies. The CSI has contributed to the analysis of innovation processes, the place of science and technology in society, the dynamics of the economy. This celebration of the CSI’s 50th anniversary was an opportunity to […]

Maintaining / supporting

Tuesday 19 Decembre 2017 – CSI Research seminar « Maintaining / supporting: fragility as a mode of existence » Introduction by Jérôme Denis, Antoine Hennion et David Pontille The seminar starts with one observation: the current proliferation of research that…

Morgan Meyer

Morgan Meyer’s research focuses on the production of knowledge and technology outside or at the boundaries of scientific institutions. His research concentrates on three main topics: 1) participation and co-production of knowledge (natural history, do-it-yourself biology, open source agriculture, low…

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(These terms and conditions do not apply to the personal websites hosted on this server) You have accessed the official site of the Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation (CSI) at CSI head office is situated in Paris : CSI…